As per Report of BHEL the KN series Steam Turbines were introduced in 1997. As per the Report there were lot of problems initially and combined HP IP modules called K Turbine were sent back to works and LP Turbine called N turbine were also rectified at site. Thus the KN series.
Recently the combined HP IP module had to be reopened after overhauling due to suspected leakage from Balancing Leak off pipe.
By the way there is a Balance Drum on HP Rotor rear side and a steam pipe called balancing leak of is connected between IP 6th stage and the Balance Drum. There is a sliding joint in the pipe to take care of expansion of inner casing.
The space between inner and outer casing of K Turbine is filled with IP Turbine exhaust steam which is at 302 degC.
Due to leakage in the sliding joint of balancing leak off pipe high temperature steam at 465 degC (full load parameter) was heating the space between inner and outer casing during the cold start causing high HP Top, Bottom and Flange Temperatures, high expansion of HP Outer casing and Rotor expansions. The Top Bottom temperature differential was also high (37 degC).
This is an important feed back for these machines. In case the extraction steam temperature to Deaerator (which should be equal or 1 degC lower than IP Turbine exhaust temperature) is higher than IP Turbine exhaust it indicates leakage in these joints and should be attended by opening the K Turbine.
There are two pipes in lower half of the inner casing and the same has to be removed to attend the leakage.
Recently the combined HP IP module had to be reopened after overhauling due to suspected leakage from Balancing Leak off pipe.
By the way there is a Balance Drum on HP Rotor rear side and a steam pipe called balancing leak of is connected between IP 6th stage and the Balance Drum. There is a sliding joint in the pipe to take care of expansion of inner casing.
The space between inner and outer casing of K Turbine is filled with IP Turbine exhaust steam which is at 302 degC.
Due to leakage in the sliding joint of balancing leak off pipe high temperature steam at 465 degC (full load parameter) was heating the space between inner and outer casing during the cold start causing high HP Top, Bottom and Flange Temperatures, high expansion of HP Outer casing and Rotor expansions. The Top Bottom temperature differential was also high (37 degC).
This is an important feed back for these machines. In case the extraction steam temperature to Deaerator (which should be equal or 1 degC lower than IP Turbine exhaust temperature) is higher than IP Turbine exhaust it indicates leakage in these joints and should be attended by opening the K Turbine.
There are two pipes in lower half of the inner casing and the same has to be removed to attend the leakage.
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